Saturday, July 21, 2007

Rublev's icon

After a distressful night of sleep (or the lack thereof) on Thursday night, I was desperate for some rest. When Friday eve rolled around, I found myself glad but mostly anxious--glad because I was tired; anxious because of the likeliness of having another night like the previous one.
So here's what I did. I meditated on the icon to the left--Rublev's icon. Of course, my eyes were closed, and I was meditating on it in my mind. Everytime an anxious thought or feeling entered my mind or body, I entered into this painting. In fact, in my mind, the Three were moving--moving constantly in a circle. And I found myself joining Them.
Let's just say I was desperate for some peace within myself. I don't know if I've ever felt peace so physically as I did last night dancing, moving, resting with these Three.

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